how to Create the Perfect Bedroom Space
Before you get started on your next home improvement project, it's important to remember that the most important room in the house is located where?
If you guessed "your bedroom" then congratulations - you're correct!
This blog post will help you with creating a space for yourself that feels like heaven on earth so read on...
So what are some ways of doing this? Well, firstly think about how do I want my bedroom to feel when I'm in there? What kind of mood am I looking for?
Calm, relaxing, peaceful, passionate, masculine, feminine?
Secondly, how can I create more personal space within my bedroom (without adding any extra square footage)?
Consider the layout of the room. Can you create more space by moving things around? Can some items be removed to make it more spacious?
Thirdly, what color palette? Sometimes going for a neutral colour on the walls like USA Antique White or a soft slightly greyed colour works well. Colour spice can be created by using bed linen, cushions and a feature artwork or artworks to bring in the colour theme.
It’s a great idea as it means you can easily change it when you want to.
As you can see by the above two images, the feel of a room can be changed depending on the colour palette and the use of art.
Below are six more tips for creating the perfect bedroom space.
1. Make sure you have enough space for everything that needs to be there
2. Create a functional layout that makes sense and is easy to use
3. Decorate with things you love, but don't go overboard with it!
4. Add some plants - they're great for the environment and your mental health!
5. Get rid of anything that doesn't make you happy or feel good in the space
6. Clean up after yourself so it stays tidy all the time!
If you’re running short of ideas have a flick through some interior design magazines or Pinterest and save to a folder the things that you really like.
What’s your experiences on creating the perfect bedroom space? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Thanks for reading!
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